Contactless Cleaning

KENOTEK – Cargo 4100 Forté

Touchless cleaning
Not really a statement but more of a method. This unique method has been designed by Kenotek specifically for the products and systems they have engineered. Having identified the problems in traditional cleaning, Kenotek have created, tried and tested methods that benefit the operator by reducing:

  • Swirls in paint caused by scrubbing in the road grime
  • Manual labour issues
  • Time
  • Inaccessibility to hard to reach areas

Improved technique
The system is counter intuitive but very effective once correctly adopted. Foam on, power wash off, rinse. Fewer steps to better results. The foaming products must be thoroughly applied to be effective on every surface. Power washing must then be carried out in an even and consistent pattern, from the bottom to the top, or backwards into fresh soap. This is the part that is significantly different from traditional methods. It is crucial to achieve great results and easy to adapt to.

Results that Save
Increasing the dwell time of the products and activating them by applying them as a foam, dramatically improves the coverage and effectiveness of the products. When applied correctly, there is little need for manual brooming, resulting in a long list of benefits.


The Sinner Circle

In cleaning, the final result is influenced by 4 interdependent factors, represented in the Sinner Circle. If one factor is reduced, the loss must be compensated for by increasing one or more other factors.

1st Factor: Temperature

Heat is often used in cleaning activities. The temperature of the solution i.e.; hot water, promotes the detergency of a product, as well as other powers (wetting power, sequestering). This is true of dishwashers and washing machines where the impact of temperature has a direct influence on the result. Thermal action can also be provided by rubbing a pad on the item being cleaned. This ‘manual brooming’ facilitates the activities of thermo-reactive products such as low-grade truck wash.

2th Factor: Chemical Action

Represents the action of an acid or alkaline detergent solution. The action is increased or decreased by the concentration of pure product in the solution (water + product). It is important to follow the dilution instructions of the product. Over-concentration and under- concentration have an impact on the outcome. Chemical action, which is the primary technique employed by Kenotek chemical solutions, generally work by disrupting the ‘static’ bond between the contamination and the surface being cleaned. Some, more aggressive products ‘cut through’ rather than disrupt, causing a chalking effect to paint and shortening the life of the item being cleaned.

3rd Factor: Time

During cleaning operations, time is combined with chemical action. This is how long the product is allowed to act, which boosts cleaning power. Example: When foaming using a Kenotek system, the solution remains in place for longer, making it easier to remove by dissolving and softening the emulsion layers. This is because the foam layer created by the Kenotek system is light and attains even coverage until the power washing process begins.

4nd Factor: Mechanical Action

This is the action of machines (floor polishers, scrubbers), which generate friction and pressure. If no equipment is used, the person doing the cleaning is considered to provide mechanical action by rubbing with a scrubber or brush. In cleaning, care must be taken when using mechanical action to avoid damaging the items being cleaned.

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