Healy & Sons Civils Ltd give Kenotek a thumbs up


Healy and Sons Civils Ltd is a family run civil construction company based in Ballycumber Co.Offaly in the midlands of Ireland. They have over 30 years’ experience in the construction industry including road construction works, site development and groundwork. The company work with Irish Water, various County Councils, Private contractors, building contractors and all manner of heavy machinery projects. As a small Irish company with an impressive list of completed work and glowing testimonials, Healy and Sons Civils Ltd have always maintained a high standard of quality work. They also like to show their market brand with well-maintained clean, impressive heavy machinery. A lot of work is in public spaces where the vehicles are on full view. Healy and son use Kenotek vehicle cleaner to maintain the good looks of their construction vehicles.

“We have used Kenotek for the past 18 months and we find it brilliant to wash our fleet of plant, machinery, vans and truck.  It makes the job very quick and effortless dramatically reducing the wash time involved for all the staff. It’s also very easy on paintwork. Unlike some other brands.”

- Stephen Healy

In striving to continue a quality service, discovering Kenotek to keep that highly prized machinery in tip top shape has been a bonus to this busy company. When their vehicles are on the road, they are the brand for the company creating a good impression is important. Kenotek ensures gleaming trucks, vans and vehicles with brilliant chrome and shiny leather interiors. There are over 200 Kenotek specialised products to choose from. All of these vehicle cleaning products mean low labour, low staff input and an effective clean with maximum gleaming effectiveness. A smart, protective wash with Contactless 4100 snow foam attacks the grime of the road, the bugs and the insects, nasty tar marks and everything else that the roads and mucky fields can throw up. Healy and Sons Civils Ltd are proud to showcase well maintained plant vehicles that inspire confidence. The machinery sports a clean and polished appearance despite the dirt of the roads they travel and the nature of the work. Kenotek has proved to be a winner for this winning company.

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